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Can I do other therapy with this program?
Vinny Crispino avatar
Written by Vinny Crispino
Updated over a week ago

This is a little tricky to answer because there are SO many other therapy modalities people use – so instead of giving you a black and white yes or no, I want to teach you how to think about this so you can find the exact answer you need yourself.

Often times people who are in pain do so many things at once, when they experience pain relief – they don’t know why. And when they experience increased symptoms or pain, they don’t know why.

This is why STRATEGY is going to help significantly if you’re trying to heal from chronic pain.

If you are already doing your therapy, keep doing it and just add Pain Academy into the mix. That way, you are just adding 1 variable, so when you’re better, you can confidently assume it was this new Pain Academy Variable that you added that did helped.

If you aren’t doing any therapy, and want to start Pain Academy and chiropractic again, you’ll be doing 2 things at once. If you are better, you won’t know which one, if you are worse, you won’t know why.

The goal is to not just get to pain free, even though that maybe what you are wanting most – the goal should be to stay pain free.

For that to happen, it’s really a matter of you having a really good strategy that just adds 1 variable at a time until you understand what that variable does to you and for you so you can take the best next step forward with the information you have!

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