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Oct 21, 2024 day 3 hip challenge
Oct 21, 2024 day 3 hip challenge
Andrew Luckenbill avatar
Written by Andrew Luckenbill
Updated over a month ago

Welcome back. Welcome back, everybody. Before we get started, as always, can you see me? Can you hear me? Let's make sure video and audio are good. I'm going to close out of all my other tabs so we can make sure we got a great connection. Let me know in the chat, if you can hear me and see me. Good way to start. Ah, all right, Hmm, let me catch up on these comments. Yes, good on both beautiful. Okay, we're gonna give it a couple minutes. You know, as always, there's a lot of people trying to join this room at once, so just to give everybody and the servers the chance to allow everyone in, let's catch up real quick before we start off night three. Does anybody have any like key? What is one key takeaway so far, we've spent about two, two and a half hours together. Has there been like a main aha moment, either with you mentally, understanding your body and what's going on, or maybe physically, there was like a little bit of a breakthrough love to hear it. Some of the things that I that I wanted to save so I can share with you there were three comments that really stuck out the most. Marion, after the first two sessions, you didn't need Advil today. Man, it's it's so great to hear that. And I'm sure your kidneys are even happier about that. So I love that you're already noticing you need less anti inflammatories. I'm gonna break down on the start of night four, how inflammation plays a key role in this process, and how movement can disrupt the inflammatory process. So we'll dive into a little bit more of the science on that. On night four, Pam wrote that she went to Costco today for mostly stock up when she realized that her hip wasn't hurting, and it was a moment to say the least. You know, I love these little stories because, you know, when you're just so chronically used to things not feeling good, not only is that normalized, but it becomes so consistent and reliable that all of a sudden, when some things start to work and feel better, it's like, the only way I can describe it is if you've ever gone, if you've ever lived in the city for some time, and you fall asleep, you get used to, like, all the city noise, all this, like ambient noise. And then it isn't until and you stop, like hearing the sirens. You stop hearing the people, the honks, the cars, everything, traffic just becomes normalized. And then you go out to a place like a calm, quiet countryside, and you realize what quiet actually feels like. And it's all about like how our nervous system can normalize discomfort, and all of a sudden we get these breaks of feeling good, and it's just like a show stopping moment of being present and being thankful and being grateful. And those moments are so freaking cool. Pamela, I'm so happy that you had it, and I'm seeing a lot of other people have this as well. Oh Lee, thank you for saying I'm a masterful teacher. Really appreciate it. And Denise, one of my other comments, you're doing this from a hospital bed. That is commitment. I freaking love this crowd, the energy and the commitment and the excitement everybody it's it's what amps me up. So thank you all for showing up. Thank you for making the commitment and sharing these little wins. It's absolutely

incredible. Marin blood pressure is lower the past two nights. That's nervous system. You're gonna notice. You know, if we look at the nervous system, there's two really big parts. There's the sympathetic which I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with, that's like the fight flight freeze. That's the system that increases our blood pressure, it increases our heart rate, it increases our respiration. Stress hormones flood our body when we don't feel safe, right, or when we need to take action. And then the other side of that part of the nervous system is the parasympathetic. So this is the part of our sympathetic. This is part of our nervous system that relaxes our muscular tension, that reduces stress. This is what helps us digest food. This is what lowers blood pressure, lowers respiration rate. It's the healing mechanisms. And many of you are going to notice blood pressure changes. Many of you are going to notice heart rate changes, stress hormone changes, all of these things, because these routines are trying to get us back into our parasympathetic side, which is the rest and relax and digest side of side of things. And that's another reason why being in chronic pain can be really challenging, because when we are uncomfortable. It's not calming, right? It's it's an internal agitation, and this internal agitation makes us more sensitive and irritable to pain. So if pain is normally like a three out of 10, but our sympathetic nervous system is activated, that three out of 10 pain, it could feel like a five or a six, the emotionality and our sensitivity could just make something more profound, but we'll probably save that for maybe night four, or maybe at the end of night three, tonight. Okay, well, let's get things going that's enough, just that's enough talking for that. So welcome everybody. Back to night three of the better hip challenge. Hopefully you all are starting to see the value in active therapy, right, which is what we're all doing now for three days in a row. Look at how you've done assessments to check in with your body, how you've learned movements to improve, how those assessments feel right. Remember what I said last night. Imagine doing that every day for a year. Where do you think you'll What do you think you'll be able to do? What do you think the things are that you'll be capable of? And, more importantly, what do you think the things are that you'll be able to say yes to you know, when I first started this years ago, my main goal was to really just wanting to stand without holding my breath, bracing myself for pain and wanting to cry. I never once in my why I never I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd be training for ultra marathons, or even that I'd want to do that. The last time I ran for last time I ran was for the fitness test in sixth grade PE class. I hated running. But I say all of this because when your body starts to show up. When you start to show up and learn how to support your body, your life, your interests, your passions and your pursuits are all going to evolve in ways that you can't even imagine. Maybe right now, you just want to feel better, but it's this version of yourself that you get to meet when you do feel better, how you start you want to maybe take more risks by going to do more adventurous things, because you don't feel as fragile. And this is like, what I really think we're all doing here. And even though pain might have brought us here, it's really this aspirational of like, How much better can life get when my body starts to show up, and that's a really cool process that I can't wait to see as many of you go on as possible. You know, because everything here can change if you're willing to make that change. I'm sure I was like a lot of you, sold at some point that healing is fast, some guru can do it for us. I was sold that healing can only come from the products that we must buy that end up accumulating on our closets and under our beds, in our garages. And you know I said at night one, and I'll say it right now, the unsexy truth is that healing your body and restoring movement. It takes work and it takes time, and it takes dedication and consistency. And what makes all of that worth it are those moments in life when you where you become capable again. Those are the moments of triumph that just help you keep going. And I think a lot of you are starting to have those already, just on night two, two full nights of this challenge. I truly believe, after what I've been through and what I've seen over 10,000 people go through that every one of you can have your own comeback story. And whatever you're going through as hard as it is to say, is actually a gift. And though it might be hard to see your discomfort as a gift right now, just take a closer look. It's bringing you closer to self care like look at you. Look at what hundreds of you are doing right now all around the world, and 1000s of you who are watching these replays are going to be doing. You're spending time with me. You're learning about your body and how to take care of it. You wouldn't be here if it were not for pain or discomfort or imbalance. So

there is a gift hidden here in what you're going through. It's just a matter of seeing that and learning how to recognize it and then unwrapping it, you know, breaking my back, though, it brought me to rock bottom, literally, because that's what broke my back was literally a rock but also figuratively, it brought me to rock bottom. It was still the best thing that ever happened to me, because the skills and the information I have now are going to. Serve me my loved ones for the rest of my life, and give me the greatest chance at having highest quality of life as possible. And you know what you're learning from me in this challenge, and hopefully, if you decide to take the next step with me and join my bigger course called the movement program, which I'll talk more about after our movement routine. Tonight, you're going to be bringing this information decades into the future to give yourself the best experience of life as possible, because this knowledge equals sustainability. So to recap, night one was learning a really gentle, simple way to calm down the body, ease symptoms, relax current imbalances and begin to restore muscle function. Night Two, we continued that theme and added shoulder exercises. How many of you were surprised that those shoulders might have been a little neglected? How many were you? How many of you were surprised at how challenging and how helpful those simple arm movements were hopefully there was an aha moment for you with how important and how neglected these really significant joints are when it comes to treating hip pain. Tonight, we're going to focus on hip mobility. Now I'm going to state the obvious, the motion of your hip plays a vital role in the health of your hip. What I want you to notice tonight, as I brought up the past few nights, is that these exercises are basic in that they ask muscles to show up and perform basic jobs. Tonight's exercises are no different. If your muscles are getting exhausted, if they cramp up, if they shake, vibrate, or if your joints cannot move into these normal ranges. We don't have to look too hard to understand why your hip feels the way it does, because mobility equals freedom, and a lack of mobility equals distress and continued risk of injury. If the hip can't move, it means we no longer have access to the muscles that move the hip. Improving hip muscles restores hip movement. It's almost that simple. And I say it's simple not to minimize your experience, but to provide a framework for how we can begin to approach your hip problem. What makes restoring hip problems tricky is this, and I talked a little bit about it last night. If you cut your skin, it heals. If you break a bone, it heals. But why isn't your hip healing? Well, imagine if you break a bone and you continue to break it daily, will it heal no because you're creating damage faster than your body's ability to heal it. Faulty movement patterns like hips, having restriction limitation, being severely imbalanced, can create damage in the soft tissue structures faster than your body's ability to heal it. So it's not that your body can't heal, it's that we're creating damage at a rate faster than your body can heal. And so the chronic pain cycle begins. Tonight's routine is about regaining access to hip movement, which also means you're going to ask your hips to move, most likely, in ways they haven't moved in a long time, or in ways your hips can't move yet. So how you approach these exercises tonight is critical. The difference between tonight's routine being successful or not is going to come down to if you are gentle and you show your hips some grace, or, you know, if you are cranking and forcing and trying to dominate what doesn't move and you're powering your way through restriction, it's not going to go well. So my advice for tonight is this, try things half as hard as you think you should your goal should not be huge range of motion tonight. Your goal should be to begin rediscovering function. Don't

power your way through what doesn't work. Most problems with the hips are not problems to solve. They are problems that will dissolve by you learning how to work with your hips again. We aren't trying to fight our body. We aren't trying to beat our nervous system. We aren't trying to dominate it. We are trying to work with it. So let's show your body and your muscles and your hips the board time. Help them work just a little better. Remember your body is on your side. Let's learn how to work with it better tonight. Now I'm going to keep this intro short, because not only do we have a lot of work to do, I also want to allow time for us to talk about what comes next after this challenge. Should you want to continue learning from me? As always, my team and coach are active in the chat, so if you have any questions, submit them in a chat box. And as always, please keep your questions and comments respectful and kind like you all are doing amazing job at we're going to need some space to lay down, so just like we did the first two nights. However, what's going to be a little different

tonight is I also want you to think about where some wall space that we can put your feet on. So think about lying down on the ground with your feet on the wall. Think about where in your place you have that kind of room. And we're going to keep it really simple. We basically just need the stuff that we've used the past couple nights. Let's get a chair, let's get some pillows, and let's have some floor space. That being said, it's time to move. All right, let me get set up. Okay, so, as we've done the first two nights, we will do the third night. I want everybody to grab actually, just stand up, no socks, no shoes. We're going to start off with some movement assessments. And as we're standing up, just like we did, let's march our legs up and down. Let's swing our arms, loosen up some kind of tension that we're walking in today with, and then just relax. The first thing I want you to be mindful of, look down at your feet. Are they both pointing forwards, or is one foot out to the side? Is one foot staggered out in front? Just visually look down your foot. Remember your foot directs force and energy with each step. So if I've got a twisted foot, I've got a twisted knee, and if I've got a twisted knee, most likely I've got a twisted hip. That hip is going to have to work a lot different than a hip that is not twisted. So we're just visually looking at the foot position, but now let's feel what's happening. So again, are we 5050, are we standing equal on both feet? Or does it feel like we're 6040, more weights on one foot than the other? Maybe we're 7030, just observe that. And as we're paying attention to the feet, let's also be mindful. Where is your weight distributed on each foot? Does it feel like we're on the outer edges of both feet, or does it feel like one foot's collapsed, maybe both feet, so the arches have fallen pressures on the inner edge of the foot also is weight more towards the front of the foot, the toes and they're gripping into the ground, or is your weight dumped back into your heels? Just observe very lightly, where is your weight distribution, how your feet make contact with the ground. Immediately determine which muscles we use and which muscles we don't use, which influence the knees and the hips. Let's keep this train moving, and as you scan your body from head to toe, is there a muscle or an area that's a little tense right now? It's a little achy, it's a little tight, maybe it's like all around your hips. Maybe it's one hip, maybe it's a neck, shoulder, your abs, a hamstring. Just observe standing up if there's an area that's kind of trying to work harder than another area. And now I want everybody to share. One out of 10. How would you rate your standing function? So 10 out of 10? Standings? Easy. We could do it for hours. No pain, no problem. Balance. I feel strong and grounded. One out of 10 is I already need to get off my feet. Doesn't feel good. Everything is tight. Bill, yeah. Jessica, shoulder is always tight. Heather's at a five left foot from sprain. Lori, five. David, six, couple 10s. All right, that's cool to see that. Okay, now let's just quickly assess what our lumbo, pelvic, hip rhythm is, so how our hips, pelvis and spine move together. We're going to do this by standing up with both feet pointing straight, keeping the leg straight. What is your capacity to reach down towards the ground? A 10 out of 10 is. That's really easy. One out of 10 is like that just doesn't doesn't feel good, doesn't feel safe, it already feels just really dysfunctional and and tight, very apprehensive about doing that assessment. We're going to do two more assessments tonight and give you two new ones. Five out of 10. Yep. One, Michaela, one, okay. Lisa, five, hip is feeling better from Lynette, great. All right, now let's actually do a rotational test. So here's what I want everybody to do, stand with both feet touching big toes and heels touching so feet nice narrow base, which could be a test in and of itself. But let's go on. I want you to grab your waist, your pelvis, with your feet together, rotate your pelvis as far as you can to the right when you've rotated your pelvis as far as you can, relax your arms and then finish that rotation with your upper body. So ideally, we are trying to see what is our capacity to rotate to the right. And as we're doing this, stay here for, you know, 15 to 30 seconds and just assess, does this feel really easy and clean and simple, or is this like cramping, muscle spasming, a ton of hip restriction? Does it feel really gross and limited and clunky? Don't share in the chat yet. Just think about one out of 10. How effective? How accessible is you rotating your body to the right? Then when you have and also pay attention, are we standing on both feet, or did we just dump all of our weight onto one foot? Once we have a sense of how it feels, come back to the middle, same thing, hands on the waist and the pelvis, rotate the body to the left as far as you can, relax the arms, and then finish off that rotation with your upper body again. Take 20, you know, 15 to 30 seconds to feel how the right how it feels to rotate to the left side. Is it easier to stay on both feet, or is it harder? Is there

more restriction, less restriction? Now I want everybody to share in the chat, and I want both of those numbers. Give me your one out of 10 rotating to the right, and then immediately give me your one out of 10 rotating to the left. I want to see where on the scale everybody is and how much of a disparity we have with a rotational movement. Bill, okay, some people can't put their feet together, like I said, just a narrow base. And abducting the hip is a test in and of itself. Heathery, three, one side, six on the other. Anita, eight, eight. That's pretty good on rotation. Nice job. Leah, eight, eight, Gen nine, nine, okay, 5678, Rebecca six, nine, if you're having a video issue, just refresh. Okay, more restriction on left, all right. Let's do one more assessment, and this, this is an assessment. This is not let's push our body okay, standing up with both feet underneath your hips and pointing forwards, keeping your weight equal on the front of the foot and the heel right, not allowing our heels to lift up at all our feet stay flat on the ground. What is your ability to squat down? Now, a 10 out of 10 is this is comfortable. I actually feel like squatting is restful. This feels like it gives my legs a break. Maybe an eight or nine out of 10 is I can squat, but I can only do it with external rotation. I can only squat with rotation, having my feet point forward or feet close just feels like impossible. Okay. Maybe a five out of 10 is I can go about halfway, but it doesn't really feel great. Maybe a one out of 10 is like, right when I squat, I feel really imbalanced, and I feel a lot of pain and limitation. One out of 10, what would you rate your ability to do a squat pattern? I it, and it's okay. This could be a really frustrating test, because you can't hide dysfunction in a squat. You just can't. Oh, yeah, five, so probably. Okay, probably low. I'm thinking. I'm seeing a lot of low scores here. Okay, let's try to improve that. Let's get ready, everybody. So we are going to start off lying on our back for our first exercise. Because, you guessed it, we are doing foot circles. Woo hoo. It'd be weird to hang out with you all and not do foot circles. So I'm going to give everybody about 20 seconds to meet me on the ground. Let me get my timer going and here, all right, I want everybody to meet me on the ground right now I'm okay, we are going to start off tonight with our we're going to go right foot straight. Right leg straight out, lift your left leg off the ground, and let's start by doing big external rotation, so counterclockwise, big slow circles, and yes, these. This is the third night in a row we're doing this. Yes, your muscles might be a little stiff and sore, a little achy, but also notice, is this like, any more familiar to you? Maybe the first night, it was really overwhelming, and maybe tonight it's still the case. But is that less? Is there a sense of like, familiarity, of, Oh, I know these muscles, I've spent time with these muscles, and they kind of understand that they need to work, whereas maybe night one, it was just like a total, utter shock that these muscles even had to work. So just be mindful of that on night three, now switch the direction of rotation, big, slow circles, clockwise, nice and smooth. Be paying attention to your cadence. We're not going too fast. We're not running through nice Caitlin. No cramps tonight, much smoother. That's amazing. That's nervous system change. Awesome to hear that Oh, great. Tammy, Night One was a triangle. Today it's a circle. It's pretty cool how sometimes the nervous system can just respond that quick, keep it moving. I all right now, point and flex, point and flex, I'm get that foot moving as best we can. Point and flex, Okay, now let's switch sides. So left leg straight out. Lift the right leg. Now we're going to go big clockwise circles with the right foot. Big, slow circles, same time and yeah, the imbalance is still going to be there. One side's still probably going to work better than the other. But notice, are we kind of already starting to close the gap on that? Oh, Margarita, nice you got on the floor tonight, not the bed. That's that's significant. Beautiful, yeah. Deb, it's okay if you need to bend the straight leg. That's all right. You big circles. Take your time. You're doing great. All right. Switch the direction of those circles. So now we're going to go counterclockwise again. We're paying attention to the cadence. We're not whipping through and going slow. I want a nice, smooth, even tempo as best you can so you. Can start to exhibit a lot of control. Nice. Chris, circles feel more like circles. That's always a beautiful sign. Christine yachts, lots of yawns. Either I'm boring as heck or the nervous system is starting to relax. Great to hear that. Well, the second one, not the first one. If that's the case, let's see Shin aches. Denise, yep. Okay, now point and flex. So point the foot away. Let's get those toes involved. Maybe the first two nights, it was too overwhelming. But now that we start to have some familiarity, pull the foot back. Pull the toes back. Let's see if we can get as much toe action as we can to wake up all of these crucial, vital arch muscles in the bottom of the foot. Oh,

great. Tracy, no popping or cracking smoother on both sides. Joan, yeah, treasures, shins are probably gonna be sore for some time doing this. I don't think I personally felt much change in this for like, the first few months, and then it wasn't like a gradual, it just felt like a spontaneous then they just got easier. I had a really weird experience with this. Okay, everybody take a break. Now what we're going to do is we're going to move in front of the wall. So I'll show you probably the best way to do this. I'm just going to use these cabinets, just because it's easier. I'm going to put a yoga mat down on the ground, and maybe you have to, like, close your bedroom door, or just find some wall space. And essentially, what we're going to do lying on our side, we're going to roll over so both feet are on the wall. Okay. Now it would be great if we can get hips and knees at 90 degrees. That'd be ideal. But if you have to scoot further away from the wall because that's more comfortable. That's also okay too. So I'm going to give everybody about 30 seconds from here to find a place in your house where you can lay on your back and put your feet on the wall. If you're already here with me, let's just look down at our feet and make sure they're straight right. Think about alignment. The knees aren't wider, the feet aren't wider. Everything is just nice parallel lines about 10 more seconds for everybody to get into this position. Okay, with our ankles, knees and hips in parallel lines, and our feet straight on the wall. We are going to gently bring the knees together to touch in the middle. This is internal hip rotation. And then we are going to bring both knees wide and keep moving your knees wide, and look at how, as if I'm on a hinge, I'm rolling to the outer edge of my foot. So now my hips are externally rotated, and I'm on the knife edge of my feet, and my feet are still pointed straight right. Notice how my ankles did not twist in together. So feet are straight. Now, come back to the starting position, knees touching together. I'm going to put four minutes on the clock, and we're going to do this really simple, open and close exercise now. Right now, our pelvis and our lower back are essentially neutral. Nothing else is moving, and we're getting our hips to rotate. If your hips don't rotate, well, you're going to want to get the lower Shin This is why your foot rotates outwards and points out like a duck when we walk, because we're missing hip rotation, so that we just try to rotate through the foot, try to isolate the foot movement so there is none I want all of the rotation to be happening in the hip joint as we go in and out nice and smooth. You might notice one leg can move way further or come closer easier than the other. So just try to be mindful. Let's just try to mirror our movement as best as possible, so both sides are doing the same thing. Now this is the basic instruction. I am going to take this up one level for those. Of you who might be a little bit more advanced, if anything of what I'm about to share is overwhelming, just just ignore it. Just continue to do what I just showed you. So ideally, doing this exercise, our pelvis is level, but many of you with the hip imbalance, especially when one hip moves better than the other, what happens is one side of the pelvis tends to elevate. So if you can feel around for the front pointy hip bones, these are like right where the pockets usually go. We've got these front pointy hip bones. This is the start of our pelvis, and it wraps all the way around our back. This is our waist above our pelvis, we have a soft, squishy spot, and then we have our ribs. So everybody has this space between their ribs and pelvis. And if
you can palpate your own body and feel, what I want you to feel for is, does the space feel bigger on one side than the other? That's called a lateral hip height. One side's higher. If you do have one side of your pelvis higher, try to gently in this position, press it towards the wall, see if we can almost create a little bit more of a level pelvic position while we're working on hip rotation. Now, if what I just said was overwhelming and I lost you on any of it, no problem. We'll get into that stuff later. Outside of this challenge, just make this simple. Take your time one rotation at a time. Now everybody's going to have a different experience. Some people are going to find this is really easy. This is born. Vin, why are we doing this? Well, if that's you, just focus on quality of motion. We're just reminding the hips of how easy and safe movement is. Some of you might find your feet are cramping and working incredibly hard. Some people might find an incredible amount of hip work. Whatever the experience you have is just your physiology functioning. So that doesn't mean you need to do anything different. Just notice and observe what shows up for you with this exercise, and this will change over time. Nice. Darlene, muscle activation. Elizabeth, right heel wants to come away from the wall. I love Elizabeth, that you're noticing that the foot is trying to move, and I have to imagine that right hip doesn't move

that well, which is why the foot is trying to do it. Okay. Now the next exercise I'm going to show many of you might need to regress it. So if you cannot do what I'm going to show you, I'll show you the regression. So ideally, we're all in this, like 9090, position. This one exercise is going to teach you so much about your body, ideally. And this is not extreme. This is a normal hip range of motion, ideally, without our pelvis lifting up or shifting to the side so nothing moves, we should basically be able to bring the right foot away from the wall and bring the right foot to the left thigh. Now that is what happens when the hip functions. But many of you might notice that might be impossible if you have to lift your pelvis up and shift your spine and pelvis over to move your hip that, my friend, is called compensation. Everything else has to move because your hip doesn't move. So if you find that you do not have enough function to do this, try the regressed version with your feet on the ground. For everybody else who can do this with your feet on the wall, bring your right foot away from the wall, place it on top of your left thigh, and using your right butt muscles, press the right knee away from you. We're going to hold this for one minute, and some of you might if you're doing the regressed version where the foot's on the ground, you might need need to move your foot further away, or body further away, because the hip has that little motion right now, continue to press that right knee to the wall. We're neurally talking to the stabilizers of the right hip, if you're anything like me, I thought somebody was joking when they showed me this exercise for the first time, there was no way in God's green earth was my hip going to rotate, and no wonder why my back did not heal, because it was just continually doing what my hip could. And it was compensating twisting and bending and shifting because my hip was frozen. This is how we have to reclaim hip function, 5432, and relax. Bring your right foot back to the wall or the ground. Same thing now left side, left foot comes away and moves to the top of the right thigh, using our left butt muscle, press the knee away from your body towards the wall. And again, one minute here, and you're probably going to notice, if you are not a 10 out of 10 squatting that there's an imbalance here. The muscles that do this function, flexion and external rotation are the same muscles we have to call upon to squat. So if you're running into limitation, I cannot urge you enough. This is all about mindset. You could get frustrated and defeated. I can't do this or Oh, I really. I understand my problem. I can't flex and rotate my hip. No wonder why I'm here tonight. No wonder why I'm in the hip challenge. I'm discovering a function I cannot do, and this exercise can help me do this over time. This we could turn a frustration into an aha moment if we allow it to be 5432, and relax. Great job. Now I want everybody to slowly roll to the side, get off the ground however you can. And I want everybody to grab a chair. So meet me in a chair position, in a seated position. And we're also going to have a yoga block or a pillow, something that we can squeeze between our knees. Let me see if I can set up a camera angle a little better here. Okay, that will have to be good enough. Okay, so I want everybody to sit down in a chair. Let's have an object that we place in between our knees. I'm using a yoga block. You can use a pillow folded in half and just the lower view. You know, ideally, it'd be really nice if we could get a good 90 degree hip, 90 degree knee angle, so the ankles are right below the knee. They're not too close or too far away, right underneath the knee. Now I'm going to teach you something basic that I was blown away when I first learned this. So I want everybody to slouch. Okay, we've got this block between our legs. I want everybody to slouch. There are two ways that we can sit tall. The first way like good posture. The first way is by using our back and our shoulders to hoist and use our strength to sit tall. That's one way to do it. It takes a lot of work, and it's not long after that our back starts to hurt. We get fatigued, and go right back to this rounded, collapsed position. The second way we can sit up is with our hips. So I want everybody to gently squeeze this object between our knees. Let's see if we can feel these inner hip muscles activate the muscles in front of the hips, the hip flexors. I want everybody to think about just with your hips and pelvis. Roll your pelvis forward. We're in a dark shirt, so that might be hard. Let's try this. Okay, roll the pelvis forward, and what you're going to find is that if we can use these inner hip muscles to tip the pelvis forward, we're going to naturally sit tall without having to really use our upper body. All of the work is being done in the intrinsic core muscles, the deep hip stabilizers of the hip, pelvis and spine, our foundation is now holding us upright instead of us muscling a poor foundation. So now that everybody is trying to sit tall through the front of the hips, and it's okay if you

can't do that, this took me months to even mentally and neurologically connect with the muscles to do this. So if it's hard, try not to be too hard on yourself sitting as tall as you can through the front of your hips. I want everybody to start doing pillow squeezes, sitting upright now using these inner hip muscles. And we're going to squeeze the object between our knees and relax. Squeeze and relax. Yeah? Quivering, right? Lynette, Gladys, nice. Katie, cool. Tammy, shocker, yeah. It's kind of weird. Nobody teaches us how to use our hips every we're just trying to muscle it with our upper body. Oh, nice, Jessica, use the the hip driven method to fix your posture all the time. I love hearing that. Oh, great question. Polly, don't we overuse hip flexors with the amount of sitting we do not the way most people sit the hip is short and tight and weak. Most people have extremely weak hip flexors. That is why they stay tight. Your nervous system is not going to allow a weak muscle to relax, because then what support do you have your nervous system as a default protective mechanism in any weak muscle will stiffen the hell out of it. This is a we could call this, even though it's not artificial. Just go with me on it. It's like an artificial way to provide stability, because the muscle isn't strong enough to do it on its own, so it relies on excessive neural overdrive to just lock things down. You want to understand why your hips are always stiff and tight, it's probably because they're weak and learning how to sit with a strength position. Watch how your hip flexor experience starts to change when they get stronger. And the nervous system actually trusts that they can stabilize your body, they will actually start to relax over time, far better than any stretch could ever give you. And that could be really counterintuitive. We can talk about that later if we have time. Okay, now that we've all been squeezing this block between our knees for about two minutes, take your hands, curl your fingertips, arms down by our side, pull the shoulders back, arms out, and we're going to do our arm circles in a seated position. From the side view, our hands are moving right around our shoulders, right I'm not out here, I'm not back here. I'm right around my shoulder, and we're keeping this motion calm and smooth. Keep breathing. Everybody. Take a big, big, deep breath. This is not an ab exercise. Relax your stomach. Allow your shoulders and hips to work together here. Relax your face. See the comments, oh, nice, Peggy. That makes so much sense. I'm glad you just had an aha moment. Yeah, and and look, the proof is in the pudding. If you've got tight muscles and you're stretching them. They're not tight because they're tight. They're tight because they're weak. If stretching them is not working, that should tell you they're not they don't have a flexibility problem. They've got a strength problem. They're not responding to the treatment you're administering. It doesn't mean you need to stretch more. It means it's not working because it's not the problem. Okay. Now flip the palms face up, thumbs point back, and now let's do external backwards arm rotations. Keep going. Everybody's doing great with these. I know it's hard, Jenny, if you got to take a break, do what you can. You know, when I first did this, I could only do 10 and then I had to take a break. My shoulders were so weak I didn't have the endurance. Rhonda, we bend our fingertips to elicit more stability with our extensors to stabilize our elbow, to ensure all of the motion is happening in the rotator cuff, yeah. Lori, shoulders burning for sure. I get it so simple and hard, I agree. Julie Joan, so much pain. Yeah. Shoulders burning, okay. Now keep those fingers curled, hands right by the side of our head and elbows together. I want you to still hold that block between your knees. So now we're just holding it back and forth one minute, shoulder blade glides. Go as slow or as fast as you need to probably error on the slow side, we've got two more exercises after the. Everybody's doing great. Tracy, so sounds like a little Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, because that right shoulder is having a hard time working. That will get better the more emotionality we can bring to the shoulder. Becky, pay attention. Shoulder clicking. That's a non pain symptom. It's audible. Observe how a non pain symptom changes over time as function is restored. Muscles move bones, and when the muscles don't move the bones, well, things can clash and click and pop and snack and snap and crackle. There's like a ton of noise, because it's not efficient. It's just things running into each other, and that's usually the case until fluidity has been restored. Okay, great. I want everybody to stand up. Nice job on that. Okay, we have two more things left. I want everybody to join me on the squat hold tonight. So standing up with both feet pointing forwards, shift your body weight forward so the pressure's in your toes. Shift your body weight into your heels so the pressures in your heels do this a few times forward and backward, until

you can feel what is that sweet spot where I feel equal pressure on my front foot and back heel? You've got a full foot. Let's use it keep pressure equal between your front and your back foot throughout the entire exercise, arms forward. Pretend like you're sitting back into a chair. I don't care if you're only at a quarter squat. Make sure you keep that balance even. So maybe shift forward, shift back. Find that middle spot with your foot if you want to challenge yourself, you can bring yourself down to halfway. If you got the leg strength for it, we can even go down a little lower if you're at the bottom, that's a full rest. So I don't want anybody at the bottom. I do want some kind of tension on the legs. Breathe. You should feel your shoulders and legs full nervous system output here and I need you to breathe. Don't bring more attention to this exercise than you already feel. So everybody with me, big breath in. Relax the ABS and slowly exhale. One more time. Big breath in. Hold it at the top, relax your abs and slowly exhale. Get out of this position by standing up. If you've got sciatica, I'd recommend you skip this next exercise. Everybody else, keep your knees bent and reach down towards the ground. From here, keeping your fingers on the ground and your head fully relaxed. We're going to lower our hips a little bit towards the ground, and then we're going to try to straighten our legs as much as we can hold for a second or two, and then lower the hips again. Notice how I'm going really slow. This is a strength exercise. That's why you're feeling a lot of muscles work at the bottom, work to bring you to the top, and then you're also going to feel a stretch. So this is mobility and strength work. Our arms are on the ground so we're assisted. Breathe and move your pelvis up and down. Feel both hips burden the load of your body, and then slowly use your legs to straighten up. Do whatever you can. Don't hold your breath. Keep motion fluid. You're doing great. Yeah, Michelle, you can sit this one out if you need to. That's okay, everybody. We've got about 15 seconds left of moving your pelvis up and down. Bill is the same thing. It was impossible for me when I started. If you got to sit this one out, you can do it. We'll work up to something like this over time, 5432, and relax. Everybody. Go ahead and stand up. Okay, as you're standing up right now. How do you feel compared to 28 minutes ago? Emotionally, are you more grounded? Are you more centered? Do you feel the more invig? Rated a little bit more present. Physically? Do you feel more supported, more muscles holding you up, more grounded, more balance. There's more support with your body as a human right now, and emotionally, you know, are we less anxious? Are we less whatever you were walking in with tonight feeling emotionally? Has that shifted at all by reinvigorating a lot of really big muscle groups and getting energy to start moving again? Try to squat. Remember that squat at the start and does it feel? Did the range of motion change? Did your apprehension of doing the movement change? Do you trust your body a little more? Does your nervous system feel a little more capable? Do your muscles feel a little bit more activated and stronger? Re realize what is happening physiologically right now with a very structured sequence. Anna, I have hope, uh. Tanya, squats are awesome. Denise, that felt great. Shirley, calmer. Christina, bodily, bodies tingling, yeah, that's called oxygen delivery and nutrients being ramped up. That's beautiful. Dusonka, more grounded, more hip pain, yawning. Okay, we got a lot going on there. Brown, so much better. Almost didn't show up today. I'm really happy you did, because this feeling is always on the other side of you showing up. All it takes is you saying yes, and this is always available. I didn't do anything to you. I didn't do anything for you. You showed up and just did the work, which is why you feel the way you do right now. And once you learn how to do this, you can do this all the time, whenever you want, whenever you need. A dose of feeling so much better, Allison, lots of anxiety and stress gone. I love that. I love the mental and the emotional connection to physicality that's beautiful, excellent. So, okay, you can try your rotation test. You can try your bend forward, just to get a little bit more of a feeling as to what tonight did, Tracy, I'm really proud of you for trying to Rebecca, I love that you're stronger. So look, we just finished up night three, and we've got one more workshop night to go. So many of you have reached out expressing gratitude for me running this challenge. I know there have been some huge aha moments for so many of you, and I'm really happy that that's the case. And all of you want to know what comes next, what happens after this challenge ends? How can you keep building off of the momentum of off of the momentum that we started here with this week? Well, I'm glad that you followed along this far, because I've got the solution for you, as I think a lot of you are starting to feel

so if you can all do me a favor, please drop a number one in the chat. If you want to learn a little bit more about my flagship program that's helped over 10,000 members live a pain free life and reclaim their ability and birthright to move, drop a one, if that's you. Nice. Jill, feeling worked in a good way. Do Sangha, more? Rotation, beautiful. Oh my gosh. Uh, 1111, Yeah, beautiful. You guys are really bringing the energy tonight, so I'm here to bring it right back to you, because, as you know, I've been in your shoes, and I hope you feel that from me. I broke my back and lived with the repercussions of it for nearly a decade, and I know what it's like to have your entire life be defined by pain and all the things that you can't do, which is why I am so freaking passionate about helping you solve this problem for good, and it is exactly why I host these challenges, because I want you to get a taste of the transformation that's possible when you have a system and a strategy to reteach your body how to move in a natural way. This challenge has just been a small sneak peek of what I have to offer you, so if you've been getting results over the past three days, then just imagine where you'll be and what you can accomplish in the next month, three months or an entire year. So if that sounds like an absolute game changer for you, I would love to introduce you to your next step, which is joining the movement program. The movement program is pain Academy's state of the art online program. It is designed to take you from where you're at right now to moving and feeling your best within one year. The movement program is pain Academy's app. So it could not be. Simpler every day, you're going to log into the program from your computer or your phone. You're going to follow the instructional videos laid out for you. It's exactly what we've been doing throughout this challenge this week only. It isn't live, but it's even better than this challenge, because our state of the art this program is made specifically for you. This state of the art technology customizes your movement program for your needs, your body, your age, your level of readiness, your pains, your problems, your goals and your desires. Throughout this challenge, we all did the same thing, right? 1000s of people are all doing the same thing, but inside the movement program, no two people will go through it the same way. This is literally like you having a corrective exercise specialist in your house showing you and guiding you daily exactly what you need to do to get better. The movement program gives you a step by step system to transform the way that your body moves and feels through really simple daily routines, all body types and fitness levels are welcome here, instead of relying on weekly appointments, expensive therapies or risky surgeries that all cost a small fortune and leave your journey up to somebody else. The movement program gives you the tools that you need to heal yourself, all from the comfort of your home. Simply log into your account, select your routine and follow along for about 20 minutes a day, anytime, anywhere. It is that simple, but please do not take my word for it. Here are just literally a few. I'll see if I can get this video to play. Here are a few of our 10,000 students expressing their positive experiences with the movement program. Please, please check it out. I'm going to share the page? If I can get Andrew or David to share that page, that'd be great. 1000s, 1000s of people have shared their stories on how life changing this is. So I hope this is clear. Now, let's go over pricing and what my special offer is going to be for this group. As I said, the program takes about a year to complete, which means it is the most thorough and comprehensive solution you'll find on the market. But that's not where the value is. The value in this program is that it teaches you how to go from a complete novice, like a white belt when it comes to taking care of your body, to a master like a black belt. It doesn't matter whether you have hip pain, back pain, foot pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, bone on bone, joint injuries or any other movement related dysfunction or impairment, the movement program will adapt to what helps your body and will provide a customized roadmap to get you the relief you need. By the end of this program, you are going to be the expert on taking care of your body. That is a lifelong skill that is worth 10s of 1000s of dollars, because you'll spend that money over your lifetime on stuff that just doesn't work and is abandoned at best, like, I'm sure a lot of you have like I have as well already, but the cost of this program is only 999, for annual access, and I've got a special offer for all of you as well. When you enroll this group, you're going to be getting access to the movement program for a year. And if you sign up by Friday, I'm going to give you a few extra bonus programs to make an even bigger impact in your life for absolutely free. These are typically worth $500 and they're going to be yours as a

bonus for joining the program. And even better than that, I'm also going to include a free month of live group coaching with me. This will absolutely help accelerate your results by giving you the support and education that you need. It is a total game changer for the people who take me up on it and show up, and I'm adding that as a bonus as well. It's yours for free. So when you join today, you get the movement program which has helped over 10,000 people. Please check out our testimonies and stories page. It is so inspiring. These people were all where you're at when you started. This is what 10,000 people have used, just like you, to get out of pain and solve their movement problems for good. I'm going to give you $500 worth of bonus programs and a free month of live group coaching with me. I'm going to send you the link in the chat, and all you got to do is click that link to join the special offer is only going to last until Friday, so you have to act now if you want to claim all those awesome bonuses and benefits. I'm seeing a lot of questions pop through. Let me address some of the main ones, and then I'll dig into the chat. Do. Yeah, okay, let's see here. So I'm seeing a lot of price based responses. Look, I'd imagine your first thought might be, you know, $999 that's expensive, and I understand that might be a significant amount for you. Really, I do. What I want you to think about, though, is, you know, you're an average chiropractor, one visit is anywhere between 60 to $200 a visit, depending on your location and type of service. If you only go once a month, you're already spending more than you would on the movement program for that month, and going to the Chiro once a month is obviously not going to solve your problems. It might help a little bit, but it's not going to provide daily help. The movement program is a far better deal. And the same thing with massage. Look, the average cost of a massage is anywhere between 100 to $250 an hour without tips. It feels great. It can be helpful and nice, for sure, but one massage a month is not going to solve neuromuscular dysfunction that needs daily attention. Again, the movement program wins that comparison as well. And you know, don't even get me started on physical therapy, right? We've all been there. The average cost of a single PT session alone can cost upwards of 100 plus dollars, and sometimes that's with insurance. If you've been there and you've done that, was it worth it? If you have done that and you're here, it's probably because either it didn't work or you didn't learn what you needed to do long term. Again, no skills were transferred or developed. And the truth is, is that none of these services put you in the driver's seat and make you the expert. You have to keep going back to get relief, whereas with what I want to do with you and the movement program, I'm going to help you become the black Bert, the black belt expert at taking care of your body. And the other important thing to mention is that none of those other services come with a guarantee. Whereas I can guarantee your success if you commit to a year of following my guidance and doing the work, if you don't see results, you will receive a full refund. I'm that confident that this strategy, which has given it saved my it didn't just transform my life. This thing saved my life, and I've seen it transform 1000s of others. I'm so confident that it will work for you. So again, my offer is simple, get annual access for the movement program, all bonus programs, and a month worth of live group coaching for only 999, I'm going to share the link to enroll. Look last thing, yeah, the promotion ends on Friday. So if you have any questions, I'm seeing a lot of questions come through, please reach out to our customer service team by chatting with them. You can click the little chat icon in the right hand corner on the sales page. Alternatively, you can also reply to any of the sales or invite emails that you're going to be receiving tonight or any of the text messages I've sent. The point is, reach out. We're here for you. I'm here for you, and my entire team's got your back. I'm worth every penny. Thank you so much. Sue. I'm seeing some questions about how does a program work? So instead of talking about it, I've got a really short clip to show you. So here's like a 45 second clip that can give you a much better idea. Check this out. The movement program from pain Academy is a digital program designed to rebalance your entire body get you out of pain and help you stay out of pain. Each day, you'll move through a series of movement routines designed to teach you the fundamentals of natural movement, strengthening, relaxing and balancing your muscles. These easy to follow video lessons demonstrate small movements that are gentle in the body, but compound for big results over time, all levels. Welcome as you progress your program intelligently adapts to your feedback, custom tailoring a unique set of solutions to address your body's specific needs. So if

you've tried everything to get out of pain and nothing has worked, the movement program is for you no longer do you need appointments just to get through the week, all right. So it was a little that was a little sneak peek. We also have a lot more on the sales page on how it works, so definitely check that out and look one thing, one final point I want to make. And I can't stress this enough, please only take me up on this offer if you are ready and willing to make a change, this program works, but as you're learning with this challenge, you have to put in the work period a big offer is not going to change your life. You making a commitment and showing up to do the work that is what's going to change your life. The. Urgency should come from you no longer wanting to just manage symptoms and live life less than you know you could, and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that, but you got to give me the time, and you got to put in the work, and we will make a hell of a comeback together. So I suggest you check out the enrollment page. There's so much more information on there about the program, how it works. We've done these challenges for, I think, 14 months. We've had, oh gosh, close to 100,000 something. People do these things. So any questions you have, I guarantee you, they've been asked before. We've also answered a lot of these on the enrollment page. So please check those out. I'm seeing some questions, concerns about time commitment. Look, I understand. I'm a father, I'm a business owner trying to become an athlete again, I get the time crunch. I also know if you don't have much time for self care now, you also don't have time to manage pain and flare ups and being forced to take time off later. Take time off of life later. That's why I've created these short, simple routines for you to start with. You know, for the first few months, I'm only going to ask for 15 to 25 minutes a day from you. And like I said, any unanswered questions, please bring them for tomorrow night, we'll do a Q and A after we move on tonight for Yeah, osteoporosis, definitely one of the greatest treatment options is exercise for osteoporosis and arthritis. Let's see Molly, yeah, so hypermobility. I'm seeing a lot of hypermobility stuff come up. I want you to, I want everybody to think about the body on a spectrum. Okay, right in the middle of the spectrum we have neutral, which is a really good balance between mobility and stability. But on one side of the spectrum, we have people who are hyper stable. Think about somebody who's hyper stable. They're so rigid and stiff and tight their body is got hyper stable people, hyper stable people on one side of the spectrum. On the other side of the spectrum, we have the opposite, people who are hyper mobile. They've lost stability now there's like no tensile integrity when they move their body can move in so many ways that there's that there's no structured capacity for the soft tissue to stabilize the joints. So we've got hyper stable and hyper mobile. These are both the same problem in that we have lost the balance of stability and mobility. One person has too much, the other person has not enough. And believe it or not, the path to resolving that is the same, because muscles, all muscles, do three things, they contract stabilize, so like an isometric hold, and they lengthen. So every muscle should be able to shorten and contract hold and isometrically stabilize a joint, like when we stand, and then they should also be able to let go. When you've lost the ability to do one or all three of these things. This is what shifts you out of neutral and you become hyper mobile or hyper stable. And What my program does is restores those three vital muscular components for the hyper stable people, the body is so constricted it doesn't know how to lengthen anymore. So hyper stable people will experience increase in mobility to move them to the center. Hypermobile people, they've lost the isometric contraction the stability side of things, and in learning how to improve stability with their body, they come closer towards the middle, unless there's like a genetic case, like EDS, in which, if genetics are what's making you hypermobile, we can, of course, help improve stability with movement. But if there's still a genetic structural issue at play, that's going to be really hard to do. I'm seeing a lot of questions about a split pay payment plan kind of stuff. Okay, look, depending on demand, we might decide to open up a monthly option next week, but I can't promise that, and it probably won't have all of these bonuses that come with it. In the past, when I've had monthly options, within a month or two, people are converting to the annual so that's why I just lead with historically, what people have wanted, especially if you want to access this program and information. And help the annual saves the most money. I will absolutely let you know if anything changes around this. You know, especially because I understand this process well and I know the time it takes to

restore this stuff, that's why I ask people to make the commitment upfront for the year. My team and I are sensitive very much so to customers needs, and if you're wanting to get access to this program at the best price, the annual payment is going to save you the most money. A monthly option, like most things that are split up into payments, will typically cost more, which is why I always lead with the annual plan, because it's what people want. It's the most stable offer, and you can make the commitment and save the most. It's a win, win. So I will absolutely let you know if anything changes around that. Let me see this. Okay, yeah, the the program is not live like this. It's on demand, so whenever you have time, morning, lunch, evening, you just log in, you select the routine, and then you do it and follow my instructions. It's like having me on call in your back pocket, essentially. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and leave the challenge for that for night three. Thank you all so much for showing up tonight, putting in the effort, putting in the time, your willingness to learn is is just incredible, and it's inspiring. It reminds me of me when I first started this thing, and it brings me closer to my intention of why I'm doing this in the first place. So I'm going to save my voice. Please bring your questions, either to tomorrow night or go to the enrollment page. I'll share it again and hit the little chat button. Reach out to my team. We are going to be working like crazy over the next couple days to help as many of you get the answers that you need. Jessica, you're so welcome. Nancy, you're welcome. A huge You are welcome. But also please thank yourself as well, because look at the effort that you're putting in for this. I'm not doing anything for you in your house. You're the one showing up to work, so please before you thank me also. Thank yourself. All right, everybody. I'll see you tomorrow night. Bye. Oh yeah. Did you like that? Yeah? Yeah.

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